“A disciplined mind brings happiness.”



What is Virtual Office Yoga?

Remote or virtual yoga classes are similar to any other corporate yoga class, but they are offered through direct streaming into your employees' homes. Regardless of the format, our highly trained yoga instructors will guide your staff through an ultimate journey of mind, body, and soul wellness.

At Dancing Shiva, we offer an easy way to incorporate virtual yoga into your workplace anywhere in the world. We customize classes to suit all levels, from beginner to advanced. Our instructors can answer any questions your employees may have about the program, take special requests, and customize classes around their needs and health goals. You can choose between one-on-one sessions or small group classes.


The Benefits of Virtual Corporate Yoga

Remote staff tends to take fewer breaks from work, leading to burnout and reduced productivity. Over time, this can drastically reduce your staff's mental and physical health, which affects the company overall. By scheduling a wellness activity, such as virtual yoga classes, into your staff's day, you can provide them with the healthy break they need.

If you are interested in offering virtual yoga to your employees, please reach out to us for further information. We tailor each wellness program to fit your company and employee's unique needs.

What you’ll need

2 Blocks
1 Blanket

We'll be working on

Heart Opening and more
